With Three Women On The Democratic Ballot, Many New Hampshire Voters Have Gender On Their Minds

Jeremy Coylewright’s handmade sign says “Get out of the way Joe & Bernie & Billionaires.” (Daniela Allee/NHPR)

For the past few months, one house on Hanover’s busiest road has stood out. It didn’t just have one candidate sign. For several months, it had three.

“Amy, Warren and Kamala Harris,” remembers Willa Coylewright, a fifth grader.

They’ve watched the debates and have even gone out canvassing with their dad.

And they’ve noticed something about the American presidency. It was even visible on a place mat in their house.

“I remember looking at it, and seeing there were no women, and being really surprised there hadn’t been women presidents,” says Angel, who’s in sixth grade.

The Coylewrights frequently talk about gender and sexism.

Their dad, Jeremy Coylewright, is getting his master’s degree online while he takes care of them and their brother.

Their mom is an interventional cardiologist, a field made up of just four percent women. They say they’re all proud of the work their mom does.

Read the rest of this story at NHPR’s website.