Why Massachusetts Is Vaccinating Young, Healthy Researchers Before Seniors

In Massachusetts, many young, healthy people who work remotely have been rolling up their sleeves to get the COVID vaccine. Meanwhile, many at-risk seniors have waited on the sidelines, not yet eligible for the shots.

This situation has infuriated many older adults. Carol Halberstadt, 82, is one of them.

She has been locked in her apartment just outside Boston since the beginning of the pandemic. Nobody comes in. Nobody goes out.

ā€œI have become more and more despairing and lonely,ā€ she said.

Halberstadt has a long list of complex medical conditions. The most urgent one, she said, is her failing eyesight. She said sheā€™s in desperate need of eye surgery, but in order to be in a hospital safely, she needs to be vaccinated.

ā€œA vaccine would change my life. It would give me a future,ā€ she said.

For weeks, she has been trying franticly to get the vaccine, reaching out to doctors, organizations and state officials who she hopes can help. But, to no avail.

Read the rest of the story at GBH’s website.