Whether — And How — Maine Schools Will Reopen Remains Uncertain

One of the most difficult decisions facing local and state officials in Maine is whether — and how — to reopen schools this fall. The state Department of Education has released its initial guidelines for reopening, with districts around the state likely to release their local plans over the next month.

Reopening is also a complicated issue for teachers and families, as some feel anxious about returning in the fall.

Remote learning at Ashley Muncey’s house in Hollis has been hectic, to say the least. She has three young kids, including a 1-year-old daughter. When school closed in March, her husband worked from their basement, and she juggled multiple Zoom meetings for their kids each day and took care of the baby as the pandemic unfolded around them.

“It was hard. My kids didn’t much care for remote learning. They missed being in school. And they missed the schedule of it all. It did get better, we started to have a flow, but they are definitely looking forward to returning to the school in the fall.”

Another Hollis parent, Merydeth Charlton, is also eager for her son to go back. He has struggled socially, she says. Charlton says she feels like he has taken “five steps back” during the pandemic. But, while Charlton trusts local school officials to keep kids safe, she has questions: who will provide child care for students if they can only go to school a few days per week? And how will she be able to protect herself from the virus, particularly as a nurse who is immunosuppressed after a kidney transplant.

Read the rest of this story at Maine Public’s website.