Where does your power come from? We answered your questions about New Hampshire’s energy system

(Sue Thompson/ Flickr/CC BY-ND 2.0)

Energy is essential to our lives. It keeps us warm, powers the ventilators in our hospitals, runs the machines that package our food and helps us see through the darkness of a winter night.

But our energy system carries costs — costs that are driving climate change.

The energy system is complicated. And as we take action to address climate change, and global and regional systems change, we have to understand where our electricity comes from.

The latest IPCC report says that every ton of carbon emissions makes a difference for our climate future. Earlier this month, global leaders at the 26th United Nations climate change conference in Glasgow wrestled with how to reduce carbon emissions.

The consequences of inaction on climate change threaten the health and livelihoods of Granite Staters and people everywhere.

Experts say the coming years are critical for mitigating climate change. So what does our energy future look like?

How does New Hampshire contribute to global emissions?

And if you want to get involved with changing energy policy — where would you start?

Skip ahead to a specific section: Fossil fuel emissions in New Hampshire  Climate goals in New Hampshire  What energy powers New Hampshire • Renewable sources of electricity generated in New Hampshire • Who sets New Hampshire’s energy policy • New Hampshire’s energy future