Wet Weather Waterlogs New Hampshire Summer Tourism

An overcast day at Contoocook River Canoe. (Samantha Coetzee/NHPR)

Recent heavy rain is putting a damper on New Hampshire’s summer activities.

The record-setting rain that’s hit the state lately has limited the number of tourists heading outside. Many outdoor-centered businesses are improvising after expecting a busy summer with easing pandemic restrictions.

New England is experiencing more precipitation, in larger, more concentrated amounts, and at later points in the year due to the warming temperatures of climate change.

Patrick Malfait, the owner of Contoocook River Canoe Company, says that the rain has discouraged people from going out on the water. On a weekend with good weather, Malfait estimates 400 to 500 people show up.

ā€œYou take a rainy day and we have 10,ā€ Malfait says. ā€œOf those 10, they may show up and then decide they’re not going to go out.ā€

Click here for the full story from New Hampshire Public Radio.