The 1-2-3s Of Boston’s Rising Sea Level

A car drives through flood water by the Chart House on Boston’s Long Wharf during a November king tide. (Robin Lubbock/WBUR)

Boston faces climate change threats from both rising seas and flooding during big rainstorms. These problems are complicated, and they’ll have a profound effect on residents and much of the regional economy.

We cover a lot of this information in WBUR’s series “Boston Under Water,” but to help you wrap your head around the issues, we’re breaking things down by the numbers.

  1. Sea levels around Boston rise 1 inch every eight years. The rate of rise is accelerating.
  2. Main Street in Charlestown is being raised by 2 feet to protect more than 250 residents from sea-level rise.
  3. of the top 5 U.S. cities with the most affordable housing vulnerable to coastal flooding are in Mass.: Revere, Boston and Quincy.

Click here for the full list on WBUR’s website.