Episode 250: ‘It’s Like Climbing Up A Mudslide’: Pandemic Pushes Women Out Of The Workforce

During the pandemic, 2.4 million women left the U.S. workforce from Feb. 2020 to Feb. 2021, compared to 1.8 million men who left in that same period. Credit: Getty Images


Millions of people in the U.S. left the workforce as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. A majority of them were women. This week on NEXT, we hear from women who left their jobs and talk with an expert about the stressors  — and what recovery might look like. Plus, high school English teacher Takeru Nagayoshi on what he’s learned in this past year of hybrid teaching. And we remember trans activist and ballroom icon Jahaira DeAlto.


Kristin Smith, visiting associate professor of sociology at Dartmouth College who researches gender inequality, labor markets and employment.

Takeru Nagayoshi, 2020 Massachusetts Teacher of the Year who is teaching high school English both in-person and online.


Sarah Gibson, education and demographics reporter at New Hampshire Public Radio
6 Things You Need to Know About The Bill To Expand School Choice In N.H.

Anna Van Dine, reporter at Vermont Public Radio
‘A Lot Of Road To Cover’: As Schools Close, Some Kids Face Longer Bus Rides

Cristela Guerra, reporter at WBUR’s The ARTery
‘The Essence Of Giving Hope’: Remembering Activist And Ballroom Icon Jahaira DeAlto

Antonia Ayres-Brown, Newport Bureau reporter at The Public’s Radio
Domestic Violence Advocates Describe Increased Demand for Support Services During Pandemic

Andrea Shea, senior arts reporter at WBUR’s The ARTery
Meet Elizabeth Bangs Bryant, A Victorian-Era Spider-Woman Being Celebrated At Harvard

  • LINK to “Women of the Museum,” the online exhibition from Harvard’s Museum of Comparative Zoology.

About NEXT

NEXT is produced at Connecticut Public Radio

Special thanks to guest host Carrie Jung of WBUR

Host/Producer: Morgan Springer
Freelance Producer: Lily Tyson
Executive Editor: Vanessa de la Torre
Senior Director: Catie Talarski
Music: Todd Merrell, “New England” by Goodnight Blue Moon, “Crazy” by Goodnight Blue Moon, “The Wanderer” by Francesca Blanchard,” “To Meet You There” by Anjimile.

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