Mayor Walsh Vows To Keep Boston A Safe Place For Immigrants Following Trump’s Orders

Surrounded by members of his administration and state lawmakers, Mayor Marty Walsh speaks about President Trump’s immigration executive orders. Photo courtesy Isabel Leon of the Boston Mayor’s Office.

As President Trump launches the crackdown he promised on immigrants living in this country illegally, some mayors in Massachusetts are promising to stand up to the president.

Many immigrants and refugees in the state and across the country have been on edge for some time now, anxious about seemingly offhand remarks made by once-candidate Donald Trump on the campaign trail.

Bans on Muslim refugees; mass deportations and raids; and a massive wall along the country’s southern border. These were all, at one time, classified as “campaign rhetoric.”

But as President Trump settles into office, the reality of these new policies is becoming clearer for immigrants who are not in the country legally.

Boston Mayor Marty Walsh took a swift and firm stand in response to Trump’s order.

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