‘Just A Wonderful Feeling’: As Case Counts Fall, Vermonters Celebrate Birthdays, Wedding Plans & Bingo Night

Nikki and Fergus Whelley sit on the porch of their Middlesex home. Fergus has borrowed the recording equipment. (Anna Van Dine/VPR)

As a summer without COVID-19 restrictions gets underway, people are resuming activities — large and small — that the pandemic had paused or postponed.

After spending a quarter of his life in a pandemic, four-and-a-half-year-old Fergus Whelley got invited to a birthday party a few weeks ago. It was the first one he’d ever been to.

“It was like we had to have candy instead of cake,” he said, remembering the piñata, “and then we had cupcakes.”

“Those were the biggest cupcakes I’d ever seen!” his mom, Nikki, chimed in.

Click here for the full story from Vermont Public Radio.