Interested In Home Solar In Connecticut? Consumers Should Read The Fine Print


George St. Amand put solar panels on the roof of his home in Enfield a few years ago. Since then, he’s run into some issues with the array in terms of it not producing power and his energy bills going up. Sept. 14, 2021 in Enfield, Conn. (Joe Amon/Connecticut Public)

For homeowners looking to put solar panels on their roofs, the main goal is usually pretty clear: saving money on electric bills. But installing solar can sometimes come with complications.

On a corner lot in Enfield, Conn., George St. Amand has a two-story house with a pretty flat roof in the back. Not great because solar panels work best at an angle. So for a while, he said solar companies kept shooting him down.

ā€œEvery time I went into, like, Home Depot or Costco or some of the other places where they have the little booths of solar people, Iā€™d say, ā€˜Hey, Iā€™m interested!ā€™ā€ St. Amand said. ā€œFor many, many, years, I kept getting the same story, that they couldnā€™t do it.ā€

But then, he found a company that said it could.

ā€œThey pulled up the house and they said, ā€˜Yeah, thereā€™s enough pitch, we can do it.ā€™ And Iā€™m like, ā€˜Great.ā€™ā€ I signed up ā€¦ and the agreement was Iā€™d be paying so much a month, because itā€™s basically a lease.ā€

And those agreements? Well, they can be complicated, involving national solar companies, local contractors, and lenders. St. Amand signed a nearly 30 page contract. But he said heā€™s pretty satisfied with the deal, especially in the summer.

ā€œIā€™m saving about $50 bucks a month over what I was during peak time,ā€ he said. ā€œSo, I think thatā€™s a win.ā€

The solar industry has been growing in Connecticut, fueled by cheaper technology and new payment models. Last year alone,Ā more than 5,000 people installed rooftop solar panels.

But the rise has also left some homeowners vulnerable. Connecticut Public reviewed several dozen complaints filed with the Department of Consumer Protection since last year. Itā€™s a relatively small number. But the complaints were from homeowners who said they were promised financial benefits that never materialized. Others signed contracts they didn’t fully understand.

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