Fishing Industry Feels Stranded As Offshore Wind Gathers Momentum

Stonington town dock is home port to several fishing enterprises. (Harriet Jones/Connecticut Public Radio)

On a clear morning in early June, cotton sacks filled with shucked scallops hit the scale at Gambardella’s dockside warehouse in Stonington, Connecticut. They’re being offloaded from the Furious, a scallop boat just back from a 12-day trip.

Owner and longtime fisherman Joe Gilbert runs four scallop boats out of this dock. Up in the wheelhouse of the Furious, he indicated on a chart where in the future, this same trip might be a lot more difficult to navigate.

“This entire area here is slated to be a wind farm,” he said. “It’s an area larger than the state of Rhode Island.”

Click here for the full story from Connecticut Public Radio.