Farmworker Advocates Confront Ben & Jerry’s Board Members To Protest Labor Conditions

Dairy worker Yessica Sanchez and her children were among protestors outside the Ben & Jerry’s offices on Tuesday. Sanchez says the unsanitary conditions at the farm have made her children sick. Photo by Kathleen Masterson for VPR

Protesters with Migrant Justice confronted Ben & Jerry’s board members outside the South Burlington office Tuesday morning, aiming to pressure the company to wrap up negotiations on an agreement that would outline minimum wages and labor conditions for dairy workers.

Miguel Alcudia works on dairy farm in Addison county, and he addressed the board members who stopped to listen outside the office entrance.

“I want you to tell me, who are you going find to work 13-, 14-hours a day in the conditions that we work in? Who are you going to find who’s going to work for wages we’ve worked in?” said Alcudia.

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