Crackdown On CBD Products Frustrates Massachusetts Businesses

Cornucopia owner Nate Clifford talks about a CBD product with a customer. (Robin Lubbock/WBUR)

Many Massachusetts retailers and farmers say a recent state policy statement on CBD is bad for business.

The policy, issued in June, bans the sale of some hemp products, including foods made with hemp-derivedĀ cannabidiol (CBD). And this has left many businesses that hoped to tap into the lucrative CBD industry in limbo.

It’s not hard to find CBD across Massachusetts. Just walk into Cornucopia Natural Wellness Market in Northampton on Main Street. It’s got vegetables, square-shaped herbal soaps and plenty of kombucha. And lots of CBD.

“We had a foot and a half maybe of product and it’s expanded into one shelf, two shelves, three shelves, now five shelves; it’s like 25 feet of CBD. And it’s extremely popular,” says Nate Clifford, who owns the store with his wife.

He sells CBD drops, gummies and even honey and olive oil.

Read the rest of the story at WBUR’s website.