COVID-19 Is Changing How Vermonters Grieve, Care For The Dead

Maintaining a safe distance can be especially painful when someone you know or love is grieving. You want to reach out with a hug or a handshake; share tears and laughter at a funeral or some other celebration of life.

But now that the governor has issued his order for Vermonters to stay home, people are having to put off funeral services and other celebrations of life.

Michael Henry said it’s put his family in a sort of limbo. Henry’s son Gregory passed away February 29th from cancer. He said his son grew up in Rutland, but was living in North Carolina at the time of his death. Michael Henry said he’s grateful that he and his wife were able to be with Gregory when he died.

But things have been anything but normal since.

Read the rest of this story at VPR’s website.