Connecticut’s Transportation Systems Lost Riders, But The Rest Of New England Was Worse

Aisle between rows of bus seats

(Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay)

Public transit in Connecticut maintained higher ridership and smaller revenue loss during the pandemic compared to the rest of New England, according to a study released this week by The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.

Riley Sullivan, the author of the study, said federal stimulus funding offset the loss of riders in Connecticut and the rest of the region.

“The gaps that existed, that became apparent throughout the pandemic, were not quite as bad in Connecticut as they were in other states, but obviously any gap in revenue in such a system run on tight strings could have been fatal had their not been such large stimulus funding,” Sullivan said.

Stamford and Hartford only lost about 40% of riders compared to a nearly 75% loss on Boston’s MBTA — the largest transportation system in New England.

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