
Storm Ida Pushes Hundreds Of Millions Of Gallons Of Untreated Water Into Rivers And Streams

September 3, 2021

Heavy rainfall from the remnants of Hurricane Ida caused massive stress on the state’s wastewater infrastructure. The National Weather Service reported more than 8 inches of rain in Stamford, Clinton, Uncasville, North Madison and Seymour. Elsewhere in the state, totals ranged from 3 inches to more than 7 inches of rain. In many cities, stormwater…

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In Hearing, Environmental Groups, GE And EPA Battle Over Planned PCB Dump

September 2, 2021

Opponents of a waste dump containing PCB sediment planned for Lee, Massachusetts, took their case before the federal Environmental Appeals Board on Thursday. The Housatonic River Initiative and the Housatonic Environmental Action League are appealing a permit the EPA’s New England office issued for cleanup of sections of the Housatonic River. The river was polluted…

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Hartford, Conn., Continues To Battle Contaminated Recycling

August 31, 2021

The problem of garbage-filled recycling bins continues to foul up efforts to boost recycling levels in Connecticut’s capital city. Public records show Hartford is recycling more material since Connecticut Public reported on a major drop-off in recycling loads earlier this year, but the city still burned about 75 percent of its curbside recyclables from May to…

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When It Rains, It Poops: The MDC’s Efforts To Keep Sewage Out Of Conn. Waterways

August 16, 2021

The Connecticut River after Tropical Storm Elsa looked like a chocolate milkshake. And the reason is pretty gross: rainwater runoff and raw sewage. This dirty water makes its way into rivers because of century-old infrastructure called “combined sewer systems,” which merge stormwater and household water into one big pipe. And when it rains a lot,…

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New Bedford’s Harbor Is a Billion Dollars Cleaner, But Long-Term Impacts Remain

July 12, 2021

Stephen Theberge grew up a few blocks from the harbor in New Bedford, Mass., and his memory of the waterway in the 1980s isn’t pretty. “It was abysmal,” said Theberge, recalling the sight (and smell) of raw sewage and garbage lapping the shores where he used to fish. One image still sticks with him: “The…

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With Clock Ticking, Fate Of Half A Million Tons Of Connecticut’s Trash Remains Unclear

July 8, 2021

In less than a year, an incinerator in Hartford that takes in roughly half a million tons of garbage annually is scheduled to close. But as the shutdown grows closer, there’s less and less agreement about where all that trash will go. Right now, the Materials Innovation and Recycling Authority (MIRA) handles about one-third of…

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