
Nation’s First Offshore Wind Farm To Start Spinning Soon Off Rhode Island

November 22, 2016

Any day now, America’s first offshore wind farm, off Block Island, will begin commercial operation.

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An American Offshore Wind Market Is Here

October 28, 2016

Has little Rhode Island become the center for offshore wind power in the United States? Sure seems like it. The nation’s first offshore wind farm will start operating there next month. The project drew interest from European visitors recently, and this week, it hosted an offshore wind energy conference.

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Connecticut Energy Officials Pull Plug on Pipeline in Favor of Renewable Energy Investments

October 27, 2016

A decision by Connecticut energy officials could have a major impact on Massachusetts and all of New England. The decision pulls the plug on plans to construct more natural gas pipelines in Connecticut, while boosting the use of renewable energy throughout the region.

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Rhode Island Shows Off Offshore Wind Farm

October 27, 2016

The nation’s first offshore wind farm off the coast of Block Island is in the middle of its testing phase. It’ll start producing electricity next month.

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‘Safer’ Cleaning Products? Seventh Generation Among Companies Using New EPA Label

September 19, 2016

When you shop for cleaning supplies, brightly colored bottles advertise stain-removing powers or “whiter whites.” But it’s hard to get clear information about what the chemical ingredients could do to your health or the environment. The Environmental Protection Agency is hoping to change that.

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As Renewables Boom, Sparks Fly Over Natural Gas in Rhode Island

September 1, 2016

  Even with the boom in renewable power, New England still gets about half its energy from natural gas – that’s a huge jump from 15 percent in 2000. The fracking boom in the U.S. meant a big investment in gas-fired power plants. But many environmentalists are pushing back, worried about spending money on fossil-fuel…

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Farming With Drought and Climate Change

August 25, 2016

In the Northeast, according to the USDA, about 175,000 farms produce more than $21-billion a year in food, hay and flowers. But not this year. Many fields are bone dry, with extreme droughtconditions in parts of Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire and severe conditions across much of the region. The climate — and how it’s…

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Blades For Block Island Wind Farm Resting At ProvPort

July 25, 2016

At a private tour at ProvPort, state officials got a close look at blades that will eventually spin at the Block Island Wind Farm, contracted to the company Deepwater Wind.

The 15 blades are each more than 240 feet long and weigh an impressive 29 tons. Several tower components of the five-turbine project have also arrived at ProvPort.

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Could Mountain Lions Help Solve Connecticut’s Deer Problem?

July 21, 2016

Each year, thousands of deer are killed on Connecticut roads and highways. Those collisions can lead to costly insurance claims, injuries, and deaths — which made scientists wonder what would happen to deer, and to us, if an elusive carnivore came back to the northeast: the mountain lion.

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Tesla Battery Project Seeks To Turn Vermonters’ Homes Into Tiny Power Plants

June 14, 2016

As our reliance on solar and wind energy grows, so does the challenge of reliability: The wind and sun can’t be turned on and off whenever people need electricity. One part of the solution is energy storage.

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