
Former Vermont Governor Takes On Climate, Reflects On Legacy

March 3, 2017

Former Vermont Governor Pete Shumlin recently visited Wesleyan University to reflect on his career and discuss ways to combat climate change.

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For Preservation Group, Modern Tech Provides Way To Remember The Past

February 15, 2017

Twenty-first century technology has made its way onto a 19th-century building in Hamden, Connecticut.

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Environmentalists Say Gas Pipeline Could Cost Twice Initial Projection

February 10, 2017

Environmental advocates say a planned natural gas pipeline in New England could cost ratepayers more than twice what’s currently projected. And they point to a study that says the pipeline could be unnecessary by as early as 2023.

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Regional Power Manager Warns Of Future Grid Vulnerabilities In New England

February 1, 2017

As natural gas gets diverted for home and other heating this winter, the head of New England’s electricity grid is warning about possible future risks to the region’s power.

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Has Connecticut’s “Bottle Bill” Changed From Environmental Law To Cash Cow?

January 25, 2017

When you buy a container of soda, water, or beer, you pay five cents — and if you return the bottle or can to be recycled, you get that money back. In Connecticut, the program is called “the bottle bill,” and it’s been around since 1980. But now, some are worried the whole system is on the verge of falling apart.

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New Net Aims to Help Maine Fishermen Land Fewer Cod

December 27, 2016

Some fishermen are pinning their hopes on a new kind of trawl net at use in the Gulf of Maine, designed to scoop up abundant flatfish such as flounder and sole while avoiding species such as cod, which regulators say are in severe decline.

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Fuel Cells Lose Out In Latest Round of Connecticut’s Clean Energy Picks

December 5, 2016

Connecticut is home to several fuel cell manufacturers whose products are competitive on the global market, but state officials still overlooked fuel cell technology in the latest round of picks for clean energy development.

The big winners were wind and solar.

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New England’s Largest Battery is Hidden Inside a Massachusetts Mountain

December 5, 2016

It was Boston-born Ben Franklin who first used the term “battery” to describe an electric storage device. Now, nearly three centuries later, Massachusetts is hoping to jump-start the development of new kinds of batteries to power the future.

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Rhode Island Fishermen, Scientists Study Impact of Offshore Wind Farm on Fisheries

November 22, 2016

The nation’s first offshore wind farm off the coast of Block Island will start producing electricity any day now. It’s a pilot project that will change the way the people on this small island power their homes and businesses. They’ve relied on importing diesel fuel up to this point.

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Trump May Find Climate Deal ‘Difficult’ To Break

November 22, 2016

Donald Trump’s surprise victory has prompted climate ministers from around the world to issue a joint statement about the need for the whole international community, including the United States, to remain committed to the Paris Climate Accords.

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