
Number Of Immigrants Without Criminal Records Arrested By ICE Triples In New England

June 5, 2017

Under President Trump, officials with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) are casting a broader net when it comes to who they’re prioritizing for arrest. According to ICE data, the focus in New England appears to be more on immigrants with no criminal record.

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Easiest Nitrogen Fix For Long Island Sound Is Not Necessarily The Fairest

May 30, 2017

Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont wastewater plants along the Connecticut River are waiting to hear from the Environmental Protection Agency. Even without specifics, managers at the larger plants know they will be required to adjust the amount of nitrogen in their treated wastewater, considerably lowering the levels, potentially at a high cost.

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High Tensions In New London, Connecticut Over Federal Rail Plans

May 30, 2017

Communities along Connecticut’s southeastern shore want faster, reliable train service to Washington, D.C, New York, and Boston — but not if it skips their local train stations. A proposed federal plan for high speed rail would do just that.

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With Federal Decision Nearing, Southern New England Towns Push Back Against Rail Plan

May 30, 2017

The Federal Railroad Administration is working on plans to bring more high speed rail to the Northeast Corridor. It’s the busiest stretch of passenger rail in the nation that spans from Washington, D.C. to Boston.

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Portland Program Puts Panhandlers in Productive, Paying Public Projects

May 30, 2017

On any given day — all year ’round but particularly in the warmer weather — panhandlers work the curbs and corners of Portland, cardboard signs broadcasting their need for a little help. After an unsuccessful attempt to crack down on panhandling a few years ago, the city is trying a more benevolent approach.

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An ICE Arrest After A Workers’ Comp Meeting Has Lawyers Questioning If It Was Retaliation

May 22, 2017

Thirty-seven-year-old Jose Flores and his longtime partner, Rosa Benitez, have been living in Massachusetts for almost seven years. The Honduran nationals both entered the United States by illegally crossing the Southern border.

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New England States Could Band Together to Join Atlantic Time, Stop Changing Clocks

May 12, 2017

New England states are considering the idea of sticking with daylight saving time year ’round. Proposals to make the switch are being taken up by several legislatures, including Maine’s.

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Centuries Later, African-American Mainer Who Fought in Forgotten War Gets Recognition

April 18, 2017

William Brown was likely born a slave in Maryland, but he later settled in Portland, which was then a part of Massachusetts.

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Former EPA Head Says China Wins Under Trump’s Executive Order On Climate

April 10, 2017

The former administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under President Barack Obama was in Connecticut on Friday. Gina McCarthy spoke to students and climate activists at Wesleyan University and was critical of the policies of President Donald Trump.

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Once A High-Profile Skeptic, Western Massachusetts Man Now Sold On Obamacare

April 10, 2017

Although the Republicans pulled their healthcare bill last week, they are preparing for another push to repeal the Affordable Care Act. And since the Congressional Budget Office predicted the recent GOP plan would take health insurance away from up to 24 million people, many of the newly insured are worried.

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