
New England Governors Converge To Address Opioid Epidemic

June 7, 2016

Pressing for the same or nearly the same limits on opioid prescriptions is one of the ways New England’s Republican and Democratic governors are working together to address the drug epidemic.

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U.S. Companies Replace Teflon Toxin With Chemical Cousin. Is It Safe?

June 7, 2016

A new kind of water contamination has shown up all over the US, including New England. This time it’s not lead, like in the Flint, Michigan water system, but instead it’s a chemical used to manufacture Teflon pans, firefighting foam, even microwave popcorn bags.

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Lights Out for CFLs — Efficiency Maine Switching Off Subsidy in Favor of LEDs

June 7, 2016

Compact fluorescent light bulbs were once all the rage, promoted as an energy-efficient way to light homes and businesses. But those spiral-shaped CFLs may be fading into history.

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Why Are So Many Suboxone Patients Buying the Drug on the Street?

June 7, 2016

For some patients looking to break their addiction to heroin or prescription painkillers, there’s a drug out there that works. It’s called Suboxone, but government regulations and individual doctors have made it difficult to get, which is leading many to buy it illegally.

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Does Lack of Milkweed Adequately Explain a Decline in Monarch Butterflies?

May 27, 2016

Every year, monarch butterflies make an amazing journey from Canada and New England all the way down to Mexico. It’s an ecological wonder celebrated by all three countries — but recently, scientists have noticed a dip in the number of butterflies making the trip.

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On a Cross-State Canoe Trek, Advocates Urge Communities to Embrace the Scenic Housatonic

May 13, 2016

As Schuyler Thomson lead a group of paddlers down the Housatonic River in northwest Connecticut, he squinted through the morning sunlight on the water.

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For Patients Suffering From Heroin Addiction, Suboxone Can Provide One Road Out

May 13, 2016

Dave Mountuori sipped on a coffee and leaned back in his chair at a doctor’s office in New Haven. He’s 26 years old, and he was there to get a drug that’s turning his life around.

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For Doctors, a Growing Awareness of the Dangers Posed By the Pills That Get Left Over

March 7, 2016

Take a look inside your cupboard or medicine cabinet and you’re likely to find pills from prior visits to the doctor. Some of those could be opioid painkillers, which can be dangerous if used improperly.

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