
Fishing Industry Feels Stranded As Offshore Wind Gathers Momentum

July 5, 2021

On a clear morning in early June, cotton sacks filled with shucked scallops hit the scale at Gambardella’s dockside warehouse in Stonington, Connecticut. They’re being offloaded from the Furious, a scallop boat just back from a 12-day trip. Owner and longtime fisherman Joe Gilbert runs four scallop boats out of this dock. Up in the…

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Rise In Cremations Opens Unused Cemetery Space To New Solar Projects

June 21, 2021

Fewer families are choosing burials for deceased loved ones and opting instead for cremation. It’s a funerary trend that is helping to forge a link between the Catholic Church and the solar industry. If you picture a solar field, what do you see? Probably a large open space. Flat and dry without too many trees…

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The Seaport Cost Billions To Build. What Will It Take To Save It?

June 16, 2021

When former Boston Mayor Marty Walsh took the stage at a 2017 ribbon-cutting in the Seaport District, he spoke with pride of a neighborhood “hitting its stride.” He spoke of new retail, housing, entertainment venues, and green space. He spoke of job creation and “smart growth.” He spoke of an area that represents “our future…

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The Blue Line Was Named For Boston Harbor. Now The Sea Threatens The Service

June 15, 2021

Tidal flats and marshland once surrounded much of Boston, swelling and soaking as the rain fell and tides ebbed and flowed. But over the course of the city’s nearly 400 years, those sensitive areas were slowly filled in to make more buildable land, leaving just 200 acres of wild marsh along the border between Boston…

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New Hope For New Hampshire’s Great Bay As Towns, Scientists Begin Collaborating On Restoration

June 8, 2021

After decades of declining water quality, there’s new optimism surrounding the health of Great Bay. A new partnership between towns, scientists and advocacy groups has people thinking for the first time that they might find long-term solutions to restore the estuary. It will be a boon to ongoing research projects, like one at UNH that’s…

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Listen Up, New England: Goodwill Doesn’t Want Your Trash

April 23, 2021

Just before 10 o’clock most mornings, cars begin lining up outside the Goodwill donation center in Seabrook. They’re offering trunks full of treasures, yes, but also perhaps some unsellable, un-recyclable wares that also make it into the bins — and strain Goodwill’s trash bill. “We hope everyone brings great things that helps our programs, but…

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More Clean Energy Will Demand Bigger Battery Storage To Power New England Grid

April 23, 2021

The push to switch from fossil fuels to renewable forms of energy will mean a lot more demand for battery storage. It’s just part of massive efforts to modernize the electric grid in New England and the nation to meet the challenge of climate change. The future of renewable energy in New England depends on…

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How Risk From Climate Change Will Reshape Flood Insurance In N.H. and New England

April 22, 2021

People living on and off the coast of New England will soon be at a greater risk from flooding due to heavier rain and rising seas caused by climate change. Global warming will put more pressure on the federal flood insurance program, which is already overstretched, prompting an overhaul to be completed later this year.…

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Este Día de La Tierra, Conversamos Sobre La Importancia De Cuidar La Energía

April 22, 2021

Hoy en Qué Hay, queremos conversar sobre los problemas que enfrenta el planeta, como la contaminación del aire, que afectan la calidad de vida de las familias de bajo ingreso de New England. Para conversar del tema, tenemos a Rebecca Baez-Castro, vicepresidenta de Green Eco Warriors, organización sin fines de lucro con sede en Windsor,…

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Electric Cars Could ‘Electrify The Future’ Of Northeast Transportation And Climate Initiative

April 22, 2021

A patchwork of states have joined in an effort to modernize transportation along the East Coast and reduce gas emissions that contribute to climate change. This Transportation and Climate Initiative would also bring more electric vehicles (EVs) to New England roads and changes to the region’s power grid. Everyday feels like an electric car show…

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