
Steve Hinchman of ReVision Energy at the 1.5 megawatt solar plant the company installed at Brunswick Landing. Photo by Fred Bever for Maine Public

Daytime Power Demand Dipped Below Night For A Moment — And New England Solar Advocates Are Cheering

June 4, 2018

Solar power’s emergence as an important feature of New England’s energy landscape just hit an important milestone.

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Whitewater rushes out of Wilder Dam, near Hanover, in early May. Photo by Britta Greene for NHPR

For Residents On The Connecticut River, Hydro Dams’ Relicensing Is A Rare Opportunity

June 1, 2018

Right now, a group of hydroelectric dams on the Connecticut River are undergoing a once-in-a-generation process – a federal relicensing.

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Spent fuel at Vermont Yankee is stored in these casks. NorthStar, the company that wants to buy the closed plant, recently boosted its financial plan to pay for fuel storage. Photo courtesy of Vermont Yankee

Vermont Yankee Buyer Says Success Here Could Mean Big Business Elsewhere

May 31, 2018

Why would anyone want to buy a closed nuclear power plant, along with its long legacy of radioactive waste?

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At the end of the season, sugarmakers have to pull thousands of taps by hand. Photo by John Dillon for VPR

Maple Syrup Makers Don’t Want An ‘Added Sugar’ Label

May 25, 2018

Maple syrup producers take pride in their pure, natural product. So when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration proposed new labels to say maple syrup contains “added sugar,” producers fought back.


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Orange-shirted opponents of Northern Pass sit with blue-shirted supporters at the Site Evaluation Committee Thursday. Photo by Annie Ropeik for NHPR

Northern Pass Poised For State Supreme Court Review, Amid New Legal Challenge

May 24, 2018

State regulators voted unanimously Thursday not to give Eversource a new hearing for its Northern Pass power line proposal. That means the case, which has stretched for nearly a decade, will likely go before the New Hampshire Supreme Court.

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While the visitor's center is only open on the weekends, a nearby kiosk provides information 24/7. Photo by Amy Kolb Noyes for VPR

Long Trail Relocation Brings New Accessible Boardwalk To Smugglers’ Notch

May 24, 2018

The Friday before Memorial Day marks the traditional start of the hiking season in Vermont. This year, it’s also the opening of a newly relocated section of the Long Trail that includes a wheelchair and stroller accessible boardwalk.

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A 2015 photo of the vessel Martha's Vineyard. The ship lost power the night of Saturday, March 17, 2018, but the cause is still under investigation. Photo by Sharon Brody for WBUR

Facing Rider Fury, Steamship Authority To Undergo Top-To-Bottom Audit

May 16, 2018

After hundreds of ferry cancellations this year alone, the Steamship Authority has announced it’s planning to hire an outside firm to audit its entire operation.

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The new Live155 housing complex in Northampton, Massachusetts. Photo by Karen Brown for NEPR

Low-Cost Housing Gets A Face-Lift Amid Pressures Of Gentrification

May 8, 2018

Cities in New England and elsewhere used to be dotted with SROs. That stands for single-room occupancy, a type of affordable housing often considered a last resort before homelessness.

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The old town hall in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. Photo by Adam Frenier for NEPR

Renewal In Store For Two Former Town Halls In The Southern Berkshires

April 11, 2018

With so many old buildings in New England, it’s not unusual to see old mills or even churches transform into retail space or condominiums. But what about town halls taking on a new purpose?


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Jacques Rainville farmed in Highgate Center but low milk prices forced him out of business. Photo by John Dillon for VPR

Vermont Farmers Look North Of The Border For Solution To Dairy Crisis

April 4, 2018

While Vermont dairy farmers are experiencing some of the hardest times in recent memory, their counterparts in Quebec are thriving. The reason is a complex system that regulates the supply of milk and sets the price farmers receive.


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