
Number Of Immigrants Without Criminal Records Arrested By ICE Triples In New England

June 5, 2017

Under President Trump, officials with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) are casting a broader net when it comes to who they’re prioritizing for arrest. According to ICE data, the focus in New England appears to be more on immigrants with no criminal record.

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An ICE Arrest After A Workers’ Comp Meeting Has Lawyers Questioning If It Was Retaliation

May 22, 2017

Thirty-seven-year-old Jose Flores and his longtime partner, Rosa Benitez, have been living in Massachusetts for almost seven years. The Honduran nationals both entered the United States by illegally crossing the Southern border.

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A Haven For Refugee Children To Experience Music

May 12, 2017

Of the 530 refugees who arrived in the New Haven region last year, more than 270 were children. Many are nearing the end of their first year in a U.S. school.  A local arts organization has partnered with the region’s resettlement agency to create a special afterschool violin program for the young refugees.

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Refugee Resettlement Agency Seeks To Connect Cultures Through Live Storytelling

May 4, 2017

Storytelling is built into cultures around the world. It’s a way of socializing, passing down family history, and for people of different cultures stories can reveal common ground.

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This Low-Cost, High-Level Soccer Club Turns Competition Into Opportunity

April 21, 2017

Jared Barbosa doesn’t think high level sports should exclude low-income kids.

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How One Pediatric Refugee Clinic Helps Children “Move Beyond The Trauma”

April 18, 2017

The screening process for refugees entering the U.S. involves multi-layered security checks, interviews, and an overseas medical exam. After their arrival, families will undergo another health assessment, usually coordinated by a resettlement agency.

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Farmworker Advocates Confront Ben & Jerry’s Board Members To Protest Labor Conditions

April 18, 2017

Protesters with Migrant Justice confronted Ben & Jerry’s board members outside the South Burlington office Tuesday morning, aiming to pressure the company to wrap up negotiations on an agreement that would outline minimum wages and labor conditions for dairy workers.

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Clinic Helps Refugees Settled In Vermont Work Through Stress, Trauma

April 5, 2017

Many refugees who arrive on U.S. soil finally feel safe after decades of war or torture or loss of family members. But just because they’re removed from physical harm, it doesn’t mean the pain is over.

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Loss Of DOJ Funding Could Have ‘Dramatic Impact’ On Massachusetts Sanctuary Cities

March 28, 2017

Massachusetts communities are reacting to new pressure from the Trump administration on so-called “sanctuary cities” — jurisdictions that refuse to detain people solely based on their immigration status.

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New Hampshire’s Immigration Detention Facility Saw Spike In February

March 22, 2017

The number of people detained in New Hampshire by federal immigration authorities since Donald Trump took office was greater than the number detained any of the previous six months.

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