
Blades For Block Island Wind Farm Resting At ProvPort

July 25, 2016

At a private tour at ProvPort, state officials got a close look at blades that will eventually spin at the Block Island Wind Farm, contracted to the company Deepwater Wind.

The 15 blades are each more than 240 feet long and weigh an impressive 29 tons. Several tower components of the five-turbine project have also arrived at ProvPort.

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Could Mountain Lions Help Solve Connecticut’s Deer Problem?

July 21, 2016

Each year, thousands of deer are killed on Connecticut roads and highways. Those collisions can lead to costly insurance claims, injuries, and deaths — which made scientists wonder what would happen to deer, and to us, if an elusive carnivore came back to the northeast: the mountain lion.

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How America’s First Highway Became A ‘Killer’ Road In Connecticut

July 11, 2016

Ray Rauth transplanted from New York City to Connecticut 30 years ago. Rauth thought he’d moved out to the country, but the roads near his home felt too dangerous for a quiet stroll.

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Clean Or Contaminated? Residents Fear Tainted Water Post Fracking

June 29, 2016

Sixty years after his service in the Army, Jesse Eakin still completes his outfits with a pin that bears a lesson from the Korean War: Never Impossible.

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New England Officials Dispute Proposed EU Lobster Ban

June 24, 2016

With struggling fisheries in Connecticut facing warmer waters and competition with other states, across the pond a potential U.S. lobster ban could add additional complications for New England.

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Six Things to Know About Ticks and Lyme Disease

June 24, 2016

This year, 97 percent of blacklegged ticks — commonly known as deer ticks — survived the Connecticut winter, and are hungry for blood as temperatures warm.

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Foodstuffs: In Newmarket, Invasive Crabs Are On The Menu

June 15, 2016

They have green backs, pink bellies and are only about 2 inches in diameter. The invasive green crab has been destroying clam and scallop populations from South Carolina to Maine, since they were introduced here two centuries ago.

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Does Lack of Milkweed Adequately Explain a Decline in Monarch Butterflies?

May 27, 2016

Every year, monarch butterflies make an amazing journey from Canada and New England all the way down to Mexico. It’s an ecological wonder celebrated by all three countries — but recently, scientists have noticed a dip in the number of butterflies making the trip.

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On a Cross-State Canoe Trek, Advocates Urge Communities to Embrace the Scenic Housatonic

May 13, 2016

As Schuyler Thomson lead a group of paddlers down the Housatonic River in northwest Connecticut, he squinted through the morning sunlight on the water.

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