
New England’s Ski Industry Prepares For A Changing Climate

March 16, 2017

For the first time in decades, the length of the U.S. ski season is shrinking.

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Not For The First Time, Mass. Governor Pushes To Run Federal Water Program

March 9, 2017

Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker is again pushing an environmental bill that — if funded — would allow the state to take the reins of a federal water protection program.

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Former Vermont Governor Takes On Climate, Reflects On Legacy

March 3, 2017

Former Vermont Governor Pete Shumlin recently visited Wesleyan University to reflect on his career and discuss ways to combat climate change.

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Health Insurance Woes Add Another Challenge To The Risky Business Of Farming

February 12, 2017

There are many challenges to farming for a living: It’s often grueling work that relies on unpredictable factors such as weather and global market prices. But one aspect that’s often ignored is the cost of health care.

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Environmentalists Say Gas Pipeline Could Cost Twice Initial Projection

February 10, 2017

Environmental advocates say a planned natural gas pipeline in New England could cost ratepayers more than twice what’s currently projected. And they point to a study that says the pipeline could be unnecessary by as early as 2023.

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Vermont Working Group Looks To Prevent The Next PFOA-Like Contamination

February 6, 2017

After the industrial chemical PFOA contaminated the drinking water of hundreds of people in southern Vermont, legislators wanted to avoid another surprise contamination. So last year, they tasked a working group to figure out how the state could more proactively regulate chemicals. Now the group is back with recommendations.

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Regional Power Manager Warns Of Future Grid Vulnerabilities In New England

February 1, 2017

As natural gas gets diverted for home and other heating this winter, the head of New England’s electricity grid is warning about possible future risks to the region’s power.

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Rhode Island Governor Opposes Railroad Expansion Plan Through Southern Part Of State

January 30, 2017

Gov. Gina Raimondo’s position statement came as a welcome surprise to dozens of protestors gathered at the Statehouse Wednesday. Residents and lawmakers had crammed into the Statehouse rotunda to protest federal plans to move rail infrastructure in parts of Charlestown and Westerly. Then, Charlestown Town Councilor Virginia Lee told the crowd the governor agreed with them.

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Has Connecticut’s “Bottle Bill” Changed From Environmental Law To Cash Cow?

January 25, 2017

When you buy a container of soda, water, or beer, you pay five cents — and if you return the bottle or can to be recycled, you get that money back. In Connecticut, the program is called “the bottle bill,” and it’s been around since 1980. But now, some are worried the whole system is on the verge of falling apart.

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Connecticut’s Drought Isn’t Getting Worse, But It’s Not Getting Much Better, Either

January 20, 2017

The U.S. Drought Monitor said that more precipitation, combined with low temperatures and minimal evaporation, have increased soil moisture. But the agency is still classifying drought in portions of central and northwest Connecticut as “extreme.”

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