
UVM’s ‘Shark Tank’-Like Panel Helps Scientist Pitch Ideas To Industry

July 13, 2017

For many scientists, turning the results of their research into tools, products or patents means navigating the challenging — and often foreign — world of business. However, a “Shark Tank”-like effort at the University of Vermont that connects research scientists with industry leaders may offer a solution.


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New England Fishermen Put Down Their Bait for Day of Safety Training

June 13, 2017

Commercial fishermen in Northern New England face their fair share of challenges. Along with declining fish stocks and tight catch regulations, the occupation also remains one of the most dangerous in the country.


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Easiest Nitrogen Fix For Long Island Sound Is Not Necessarily The Fairest

May 30, 2017

Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont wastewater plants along the Connecticut River are waiting to hear from the Environmental Protection Agency. Even without specifics, managers at the larger plants know they will be required to adjust the amount of nitrogen in their treated wastewater, considerably lowering the levels, potentially at a high cost.

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High Tensions In New London, Connecticut Over Federal Rail Plans

May 30, 2017

Communities along Connecticut’s southeastern shore want faster, reliable train service to Washington, D.C, New York, and Boston — but not if it skips their local train stations. A proposed federal plan for high speed rail would do just that.

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With Federal Decision Nearing, Southern New England Towns Push Back Against Rail Plan

May 30, 2017

The Federal Railroad Administration is working on plans to bring more high speed rail to the Northeast Corridor. It’s the busiest stretch of passenger rail in the nation that spans from Washington, D.C. to Boston.

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How Nutrients In The Connecticut River Become Pollutants In Long Island Sound

May 30, 2017

By the end of the year, the Environmental Protection Agency is expected to announce new limits on the amount of nitrogen that wastewater treatment plants in Massachusetts, Vermont, and New Hampshire can release into the Connecticut River.

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Groups Say Billions Needed To Jumpstart Stalled Wind Energy Development In Maine

May 30, 2017

After a decade of rapid growth, wind energy in Maine has hit the doldrums. No big new wind projects are likely to go live anytime soon, and it could cost billions to unlock enough of the state’s wind resource — the best in the region — to serve southern New England’s thirst for renewable energy.

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What Happens To That Aluminum Can You Just Recycled?

May 22, 2017

In New England, all states except for Rhode Island and New Hampshire have bottle bills. Those are recycling programs built around a system of deposits and refunds, aimed at reducing litter and protecting the environment. But when it comes to old aluminum, it’s not just environmentalists who want to see more recycling — there’s a real business case to be made for it, too.

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New England States Could Band Together to Join Atlantic Time, Stop Changing Clocks

May 12, 2017

New England states are considering the idea of sticking with daylight saving time year ’round. Proposals to make the switch are being taken up by several legislatures, including Maine’s.

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How Does Electricity Make Its Way From Power Plants To The Plugs In Your House?

May 12, 2017

Turn back the clock just a couple of centuries, and to our ancestors, the alchemy of electricity would seem like magic: with the single flip of a switch, our rooms are bathed in light.

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