
An Auction For Wind Lots Off The Massachusetts Shore Breaks Records

December 20, 2018

A wind power auction for three plots of ocean off of the coast of Massachusetts broke a record last week for the highest price ever paid in a U.S. wind lease auction.

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Fall colors in the marshes around Plum Island Sound. Photo by Robin Lubbock for WBUR

Why This Invasive Plant Has A Shot At Some Redemption

November 27, 2018

Robert Buchsbaum walks into a salt marsh on Boston’s North Shore. Around him towers a stand of bushy-topped Phragmites australis, an invasive plant commonly known as the common reed. Or, as some call it: the all-too-common reed.

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Sandbags hold back water at the entrance to the Aquarium MBTA station during the March 2 nor'easter. Photo by Robin Lubbock for WBUR

5 Takeaways For New England From The U.S. Climate Report

November 26, 2018

Climate change will hit the Northeast hard and soon, bringing threats to our health — and to fruit crops, ski resorts and the Atlantic cod.

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Chocolate turkeys circle around Jim Czack in their enclosure at his farm. Photo by Annie Ropeik for NHPR

The Last Chocolate Turkeys: New Hampshire Farmer Ends Effort To Sustain Endangered Breed

November 21, 2018

A farmer in Loudon, New Hampshire is calling it quits on a years-long project – to breed a rare type of turkey called the Chocolate turkey.

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A little brown bat with White-nose syndrome photographed in 2008. Photo courtesy Ryan Von Linden, USFWS, New York Department of Environmental Conservation

What Secrets Are Hidden Inside The Call Of A Bat?

November 20, 2018

The fungal disease White-nose syndrome has killed off millions of bats across America.

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View looking northeast from the Kennebec Gorge - The new project includes cutting a new corridor through about 53-miles of forest in western Maine and crossing the scenic Kennebec River Gorge. Photo credit Central Maine Power

Maine Gubernatorial Candidates Have Doubts About CMP Transmission Corridor Plan

October 16, 2018

Maine’s candidates for governor are voicing varying degrees of skepticism about Central Maine Power’s plan to build a major transmission corridor from Canada through Maine — though that doesn’t necessarily mean the candidates are against it.

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The Kocher Family Ranch on the Meridian Way Wind Farm in Cloud County, Kansas. Photo by Phil Warburg

What New England Can Learn From Kansas About Creating A Wind Energy Economy

October 11, 2018

As New England invests in wind energy projects off of our coasts, the amount of wind energy we use still pales in comparison to states in the “wind belt.” One such example is Kansas. Philip Warburg explains what states in our region can learn from states that we don’t usually think of as leaders in renewable energy.

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Powerlines in Medway, MA. Photo by Jesse Costa for WBUR

How The Two Candidates For Massachusetts Governor Compare On Environmental Issues

October 11, 2018

Massachusetts environmental politics and policies take center stage this week at Boston’s Museum of Science. There, Republican Gov. Charlie Baker and Democratic nominee Jay Gonzalez will take turns discussing their environmental records and plans for the state’s future.

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Scott Borthwick holds up a flying squirrel he retrieved from the bathroom of a small house in White River Junction, VT. Photo by Britta Greene for NHPR

Unwanted House Guests: Squirrels Wreaking Havoc in Homes Across N.H.

October 3, 2018

It’s the year of the squirrel in New England. The animals have never had so much fame, never been the subject of so much attention.

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Sam Richman, owner-chef of Sammy’s Deluxe restaurant in Rockland, with some full-grown American Unagi. He says his patrons tend to prefer it smoked, European style, rather than as Japanese sushi. Photo by Keith Shortall for Maine Public

Mainers Send Their Elver Catch To Asia To Reach Market Size. Why Not Grow Eels Here?

October 3, 2018

When the elver season opens each spring, Maine fisherman Justin Jordan likes to try one out.

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