
‘A Lot Of Road To Cover’: As Schools Close, Some Kids Face Longer Bus Rides

May 7, 2021

As Vermont’s school districts become larger and more centralized, some kids will feel the impact in how they get to and from school. Every weekday, kids around the state get on the school bus. Damien is one of them. “What the bus does is he goes by our house — ‘cause there’s more kids up…

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Amid Racial Reckoning, A Push To Diversify College Investment Strategies

April 22, 2021

While Steven Rogers was serving as a trustee of Williams College in the 2000s, the business school professor urged his alma mater to invest at least some of its endowment dollars with Black-owned asset managers. He appealed directly to the chairman of the college’s finance committee. “I met with him, went to his office, gave…

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To Diversify Staffs, Some Employers Drop Degree Requirements

April 5, 2021

Inside her apartment in Watertown on a recent afternoon, Emily Knowles met with her software development team remotely, testing apps to make sure they work the way they’re supposed to. Knowles, a quality assurance analyst, is bi-racial — a daughter of Black and white immigrants who never went to college. She’s working in tech —…

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For Deerfield Community School, Some Pandemic Changes Are Here to Stay

March 26, 2021

A year ago, New Hampshire schools shut down for what many thought would just be three weeks. Now, schools across the state are reopening fully. NHPR’s Sarah Gibson visited Deerfield Community School, where teachers and students have been spending a lot of the pandemic outside. And as they return, many are hoping that doesn’t change.…

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An Accidental Experiment: An Emergency Teacher License Gives An Unexpected Boost To Teacher Diversity

March 25, 2021

Teaching is Carmen Rios’ passion, especially kindergarteners. “I love to work with them because they are so kind,” she said. “I like that I can give them that first experience in school and be creative and motivate them to love school.” Rios spent 14 years teaching kindergarten in Puerto Rico. When she moved to Massachusetts…

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What It’s Like To Go Back To School In 2021

March 23, 2021

Bridget Donovan has spent most of her senior year alone in her room, staring at a computer screen. Every school day for the past year, she logged into Zoom classes and struggled to pay attention. She missed her friends, her teachers, and the tech booth in the Framingham High School auditorium, where Bridget used to…

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For English Language Learners, School Ties Are Key To Overcoming Pandemic Challenges

March 10, 2021

On Tuesday, the Manchester, New Hampshire School District announced tentative plans to expand in-person classes from two days a week to four, starting in May. And at Manchester West High School in Manchester, that experiment is well underway. For over a month, staff there have been encouraging students who are learning English as a second…

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Young Adults Are Struggling With Mental Illness. This New Center In Newport Wants To Intervene Earlier.

March 1, 2021

Jamie Lehane’s son was 18 years old and had just gone off to college, when Lehane’s phone rang unexpectedly. “I got the call from the campus police that, ‘Your son is being rushed to a local community hospital, and that he’s had a serious mental breakdown,’” Lehane said. It turned out to be a psychotic…

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Growing Frustration On Campus Over How Hate And Harassment Incidents Are Handled

February 18, 2021

Young Black and brown women living in a multicultural dorm at Boston College said they were startled awake in the middle of the night earlier this month as two white students ran through their hall, banging on doors and trashing the place. There’s growing frustration over how that and other incidents have been handled on…

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In Essex County, A Small School District Looks To Merge Across State Lines

February 4, 2021

Since Act 46 was passed by the Legislature in 2015, small school districts across the state have had to make difficult decisions about whether to merge rural schools. In some parts of the state, geography creates some challenging decisions about how to do so. The Northeast Kingdom town of Canaan is too isolated to benefit…

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