
Report Claims 14 Million Kids Could Be Exposed to Toxic PCBs at School

October 5, 2016

A Massachusetts senator released a report on Wednesday claiming that it would cost up to $52 billion to get rid of toxic PCBs from public schools across the country.

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New England Colleges Pursue Out-Of-State Students With Discounts

September 6, 2016

College students are returning to campuses across the country this week. In New England, a demographic shift has some public colleges and universities trying to fill seats by luring students from neighboring states. Visit NEPR for the full story.        

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Yale Graduate Students Seek Right to Bargain Collectively as Teachers, Researchers

September 1, 2016

  Emily Sessions had just started a new semester teaching art to Yale undergraduates, when she was told that her teaching load would be doubled, but her pay would remain the same. “So it really showed me how opaque and often uneven the process for assigning teaching is, and how important it is to have…

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‘There Is No Yelp’: Parents Struggle With The Special Ed System

August 25, 2016

A new report accuses a private special education school in Middleborough of neglect and abuse. But the Disability Law Center, which last Monday revealed those findings on the Chamberlain International School, says it’s worried about oversight of all such schools serving special needs children. “We have a growing concern about students with disabilities across the commonwealth being severely…

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Former Refugee of Kosovo War Now Helping Syrian Refugees

August 11, 2016

Rilind Abazi was only a baby when he and his family fled Kosovo for Macedonia during his country’s war in the late ’90s.

“We were received by a family of strangers. We didn’t know them, but we’ve become family friends,” he said. Now he’s trying to return the favor.

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UConn Recruits Teens to Spark Interest in Conservation

August 11, 2016

Modern high school students are usually found surrounded by laptops, cell phones, and social media. But a team of UConn professors and graduate students are trying to get them interested in nature.

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New Sandy Hook School Opens in Newtown, Connecticut

July 29, 2016

Elementary school students in Newtown will return to a new building next month, and on Friday, media were allowed to tour the facility.

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