
Pilot Program in New Haven Focuses on Addiction Treatment for Inmates

October 5, 2016

Inmates with substance abuse issues face the highest risk of relapse, or fatal overdose, within the first few weeks of being released from incarceration. Research shows that 80 percent of former inmates with opiate dependence issues will relapse within a month of leaving jail.

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Vermont Pharmacies Can Now Sell Overdose Drug Without Requiring A Prescription

August 26, 2016

A drug that can counteract the effects of an opiate overdose can now be sold by any Vermont pharmacy without a prescription, state health officials announced Thursday.

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Stories of Survival on the Front Lines of the Opioid Crisis

August 3, 2016

States across New England have responded to the region’s opioid epidemic with solutions like expanded access to overdose prevention kits at pharmacies and limitations on pain killer prescriptions.

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Inside the Network of Heroin Users Fighting Overdose Deaths in Hartford

June 29, 2016

Sherwood Taylor remembered the time he saw a friend die of an overdose, just feet away from where he sat on his bed in his Hartford apartment.

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New England Governors Converge To Address Opioid Epidemic

June 7, 2016

Pressing for the same or nearly the same limits on opioid prescriptions is one of the ways New England’s Republican and Democratic governors are working together to address the drug epidemic.

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Why Are So Many Suboxone Patients Buying the Drug on the Street?

June 7, 2016

For some patients looking to break their addiction to heroin or prescription painkillers, there’s a drug out there that works. It’s called Suboxone, but government regulations and individual doctors have made it difficult to get, which is leading many to buy it illegally.

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For Patients Suffering From Heroin Addiction, Suboxone Can Provide One Road Out

May 13, 2016

Dave Mountuori sipped on a coffee and leaned back in his chair at a doctor’s office in New Haven. He’s 26 years old, and he was there to get a drug that’s turning his life around.

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For Doctors, a Growing Awareness of the Dangers Posed By the Pills That Get Left Over

March 7, 2016

Take a look inside your cupboard or medicine cabinet and you’re likely to find pills from prior visits to the doctor. Some of those could be opioid painkillers, which can be dangerous if used improperly.

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