
New Englanders Bring Targeted Approach To Reparations Movement

March 31, 2021

People have been making the case for reparations for Black Americans for decades, and there are signs of forward movement. President Joe Biden has expressed support for a federal bill that would study the issue, and the new COVID-19 relief legislation includes several billion dollars to help Black farmers. In New England, some groups are…

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Virus Of Hate: ‘We Are Not Your Fetish’ — Combating Anti-Asian Racism And Sexism

March 26, 2021

Police have not said whether the killing of eight people in Atlanta, including six Asian women, was a hate crime. Still, the shooting is troubling many Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Especially women, who reported nearly 70% of hate incidents against the community since the pandemic, according to researchers at STOP AAPI HATE. “In a…

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LISTEN: Anti-Asian Hate And The Inextricable Link Between Racism And Sexism

March 25, 2021

Following the killings of eight people in Atlanta, including six Asian women, Caroline H. Lee wrote a commentary for WBUR’s blog Cognoscenti responding directly to news reports that said it was “unclear” whether the killings were motivated by racism. Her commentary is titled, “ Call The Shootings In Atlanta What They Were: Targeted Violence Against…

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More Than 12 Angry Men: Creating Diverse Juries In Our State

March 18, 2021

The Connecticut Supreme Court wants to ensure that jury pools are diverse and representative of our communities. That could mean striking restrictions of who is allowed to serve on a jury. This hour, Chief Justice Richard Robinson joins us to answer our questions and yours about jury duty in our state. When jury trials resume,…

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Mass Audubon Confronts Legacy Of Its Namesake As Nation Reckons With Race

February 26, 2021

The Massachusetts Audubon Society’s Boston Nature Center in Mattapan offers a home to more than 150 species of birds. And a winter afternoon offers up evidence of a few of them: Three-toed footprints of wild turkeys dot snowy paths like small dinosaur tracks; and in the leafless trees, robins and white-throated sparrows chirp as they flit…

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Growing Frustration On Campus Over How Hate And Harassment Incidents Are Handled

February 18, 2021

Young Black and brown women living in a multicultural dorm at Boston College said they were startled awake in the middle of the night earlier this month as two white students ran through their hall, banging on doors and trashing the place. There’s growing frustration over how that and other incidents have been handled on…

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In The Age of Black Lives Matter, New England Faces Its Own Role In Slavery

December 2, 2020

L’Merchie Frazier says she was not surprised to see her event drowned out by a busy news cycle this fall. During the week of October 12, the U.S. was experiencing dramatic increases in coronavirus cases, Amy Coney Barrett went before the Senate Judiciary Committee to discuss her Supreme COurt nomination, President Trump and Joe Biden…

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Lessons Lost: The Struggle In Some New England Classrooms To Talk About Race

October 7, 2020

What we don’t learn in school can matter as much as the lessons we do learn. In this fourth and final episode of a special radio series on “Racism In New England,” we talk to teachers and students about the harm of omitting stories and cultures from curricula — and how we can do better.

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Lessons Lost: The Struggle In Some New England Classrooms To Talk About Race

October 7, 2020

What we don’t learn in school can matter as much as the lessons we do learn. In this fourth and final episode of a special radio series on “Racism In New England,” we talk to teachers and students about the harm of omitting stories and cultures from curricula — and how we can do better.

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Addressing The Toll Of Racism On New Englanders’ Mental Health

October 1, 2020

Racism is trauma. But racism’s impact on mental health can be hard to talk about. In this third episode of a special radio series on “Racism In New England,” we hear about the stressors to mental health in the region and ways to get relief.

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