Bridgeport, Connecticut Students Meditate On Actions

As part of the Come and Learn Mindfulness program at Curiale School in Bridgeport, yoga instructor Shinda DeRosa sits cross-legged with her students, encouraging them to place their hands over their hearts and meditate about their loved ones. Photo by Christian Carter for WSHU.

As part of the Come and Learn Mindfulness program at Curiale School in Bridgeport, yoga instructor Shinda DeRosa sits cross-legged with her students, encouraging them to place their hands over their hearts and meditate about their loved ones. Photo by Christian Carter for WSHU.

If a student gets in trouble at the Curiale School in Bridgeport, the person they would have to answer to is Eric Sigman, the vice principal who handles disciplinary action. In April Sigman introduced Come and Learn Mindfulness, or CALM, program, a meditation and yoga curriculum. He created it to change the school’s standard disciplinary model that involved sending students to his office if they misbehave.

Sigman arrived at Curiale in November. He wanted to make an instant impact, so he put a desk in the hallway to be closer to his students.

“I have a desk in the hallway for the middle school kids. I sit there all day, every day, as needed, and I’m a firm believer that these kids need to know that someone cares and someone’s watching.”


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