Biden, New England Energy Goals Could Soon Change Regional Energy Mix

Ed Suominen / Creative Commons

President Joe Biden’s energy goals will make significant changes to where New England gets its power. How states choose to embrace these goals as part of their climate change plans could shake up the region’s energy market over the next decade. This week, all eyes are on Biden, who will convene world leaders for an Earth Day summit.

The Biden administration has ambitious goals: 30 gigawatts of offshore wind by 2030 with some poised for New England waters.

The U.S. has 17 leasing areas in the Atlantic Ocean, a handful of turbines already feeding the grid off Rhode Island and even more potential wind farms in the queue for federal approval. One off Massachusetts, Vineyard Wind, could move forward this week.

Amanda Lefton, the new director of the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, said the federal agency, which scouts and plans for clean energy off the coast, will review up to 10 more projects later this year.

Read the rest of the story at WSHU’s website.