ALS And Algae Blooms? Scientists Say A State Registry Is Needed To Study Possible Link

Frank Petrosino, Heidi Smith and their children. Heidi says Frank had a love for life that included wearing elf ears at Christmas time. (John Dillon/VPR)

In the midst of a global pandemic, it’s easy to forget that there are other terrible diseases in the world, ones that we know very little about. Consider amyotrophic lateral sclerosis — ALS.

Also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, ALS­ is an illness whose outcome is never in doubt. The always-fatal neurological disorder traps its victim with loss of muscle control, all while their mind remains active and aware.

Although scientists are pursuing promising drug therapies, a cure has been elusive. Researchers who study the disease say the science continues to evolve. For example, some local scientists say there is a potential link between ALS and the cyanobacteria blooms that occur in some of Vermont’s lakes.

But to learn more, they say they need a mandatory registry for ALS cases in Vermont so they can track each instance of the disease.

Read the rest of the story at VPR’s website.