‘All In The Same Boat,’ Faith Leaders Bring People Together When They’re Far Apart

Virtual platforms have become a gathering place for many religious groups in New England during the coronavirus pandemic. Faith leaders are tweaking the experience to bring a sense of human contact or address community needs.

Pastor Brent Damrow still leads services every Sunday in the big sanctuary of the First Congregational Church in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. It’s just him and a few others, including musicians, standing at safe distances.

Damrow’s husband operates the camera that live streams the service via YouTube. Their six-year-old son ferries slips of paper to the pulpit with the names of congregants who have texted that they’re watching.

“Then during the words of welcome, I issue a special welcome by name,” Damrow said. “And people have said they find great joy in hearing other names be lifted. We also invite them during the middle of the service to text in prayers of joy, or prayers of concern or worry.”

Read the rest of this story at NEPM’s website.