After Iowa Stumbles, New Hampshire Touts Smooth Voting Process

At the Amherst polls on Tuesday. People were busy switching back to being undeclared after voting in the primary for the party of their choice. (Allegra Boverman/NHPR)

It wasn’t just the election results in New Hampshire that were under the spotlight on Tuesday – it was also the process itself. That’s in large part because of what happened a little more than a week ago in Iowa, where that state’s Democratic caucus collapsed in spectacular fashion.

By all accounts, New Hampshire’s 6,000 local and state election officials – many of them elected by their own communities – helped pull off a relatively smooth Primary Day.

“The election officials that we have in our state are wonderful, and they are on the front lines continuing to ensure that our elections are carried out with integrity,” said Nicholas Chong Yen, head of the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Election Law Unit.

The attorney general’s election day hotline received approximately 160 calls, according to Chong Yen, a number in line with previous elections. He described the calls as routine, with no reports of widespread voting abnormalities.

Read the rest of the story at New Hampshire Public Radio’s website.