Privacy Policy And Terms of Use

The website is owned, edited and administered by Connecticut Public, the lead station in the New England News Collaborative.

Connecticut Public is committed to the privacy of information provided by visitors to its Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services.

Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc’s (known as Connecticut Public) Privacy Policy discloses the information gathering and dissemination practices of Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. Services. This Privacy Policy refers solely to the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. Services. Please read it carefully and note that the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. Services may contain links to various third-party sites. Please consult these sites to learn more about their privacy policies.

(A) Gathering of Information

(1) General. Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. collects personal information through (including,,,,, and and other web and mobile application properties from time to time), but only when voluntarily provided by visitors to these sites.

(2) Personally Identifiable Information. Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. collects personally identifiable information, such as your name, your e-mail address, your telephone number, and/or your credit card information, from the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. Services for a variety of purposes. This personally identifiable information is provided by you voluntarily and you may voluntarily supply this information in connection with (i) registration for contests, sweepstakes and ticket giveaways, (ii) registration for sites or services which require registration (such as subscribing to email newsletters or commenting on stories or social media networks), (iii) making an online donation, (iv) sending correspondences to Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc, (v) submitting a photo or other User Generated Content, and (vi) e-commerce transactions. Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. will not collect personally identifiable information from you, other than what you supply on a voluntary basis.

(3) Social Networking. Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. may ask visitors to provide personal information for other limited uses specified at the time the information is gathered. Any information you submit on or through social networking features, as part of a story, blog comments, forums or discussions, or in response to Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc’s request for User Generated Content may become public, including the full name and/or nickname you provide when submitting.

(4) Non-personally Identifiable Information. Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. may collect non-personally identifiable information, such as IP addresses and cookies, which includes tracking information collected as you navigate or use the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. Services. Additionally, within Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc’s mobile sites and applications, including any feature of these sites and applications (“Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. Mobile Services”), Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. collects a device’s operating system, phone model, application version, automobile make, and content preferences. Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. also may collect in the future geolocation data through the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. Services. Geolocation data consists of general location information based on latitude and longitude, rounded to a few miles’ radius, or based on IP addresses.

(a) Like all Webservers, Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc’s Webserver automatically creates log files for each visitor who accesses the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services. These “access logs” allow us to improve and make our site and services more useful to our visitors. By reviewing these logs, we can better understand our visitors, which allows us to improve the Services, the site and to provide you with an optimal experience and better service. At no time do the logs reveal your name, address, or email address, even if you have entered these in other areas while using the Service. The Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Service pages cannot extract any personally-identifiable information about you.

(b) As is common practice among web sites, we use “cookies” and similar technologies. In general, cookies — the informational files that your web browser places on your computer when you visit a website — are used to track and analyze how you and other visitors use our Site. We use these cookies in order to improve the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services, to identify the source of visitors and what pages you are using of the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services, to offer visitors interactive and/or personalized features that would not be possible without the cookies, to recall specific information to save visitors time when they return to use the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services, to provide our sponsors targeted sponsorship opportunities, to provide visitors customized sponsorship messages or list of customized videos of interest, and to identify usage and statistical trends. By looking at this traffic we can better understand our community, which allows us to improve the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services and to provide you with an optimal experience and better service. Our sponsorship service vendors, which serve sponsorship messages onto our site, and third party vendors that measure and analyze the use of the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services for us, may also use their own cookies. At no time does the cookie reveal your name, address, or e-mail address (even if you have entered these in specific areas of the Site). The Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services pages cannot extract any personally identifying information about you from what we receive via a cookie and your browser.

(c) Opt-Out. If you so choose, you may set your browser preferences to refuse cookies or alert you when cookies are being sent. However, some parts of the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services may not function properly if you do so. Opting out is cookie-based and will only affect the specific computer and browser on which the opt-out is applied. If you subsequently delete your browser cookies, you will need to opt-out again.

(B) Use of Information

(1) Nondisclosure.   Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. , or any third party vendor acting on Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. ’s behalf to assist in delivering and operating the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services, will not willfully disclose any personally-identifiable information about online users or website visitors to any non-affiliated third party without first receiving the user or visitor’s permission or unless required by law.

(2) Limitation on Use.   The use of personally-identifiable information is limited to the following activities, should they exist currently or become available in the future: managing and administering the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services; responding to user messages; listing name and location (city, state and/or country) information provided by users when broadcasting or publishing User Generated Materials; fulfillment of purchases made through the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services; offering access to Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  tours and events; contest management; editorial purposes such as contacting users for an online survey; sending Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  e-mail newsletters and other communications, including marketing and promotional communications, from Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  or Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  member stations to users who have ‘opted in’ to the receipt of such communications; other internal Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  or Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  member station purposes; and other purposes specified at the time the information is gathered. Any geolocation data collected through Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services is used to offer relevant content, including content from nearby Member stations or partner news organizations to the visitor. Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  may contact users regarding their submissions in certain circumstances.

(3)  Social Networking.  Any information that you disclose when participating in the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  social networking features, forums or discussions, such as your full name and any nickname, is likely to become public. This information may be posted on the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services and on the platform of Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. ’s third party discussion services vendor. In addition, Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. , its member stations and their licensees, may use, copy, sublicense, modify, transmit, publicly perform, display, create derivative works of, host, index, cache, tag, encode, and/or adapt any User Generated Content, and any information contained therein, in any and all media formats or channels, whether now known or hereafter devised, including, but not limited to, the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services, Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  member station web sites and services, other third-party web sites and services, over the air (on radio or television), and on mobile platforms. If you send User Generated Content to Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  through the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services, we may print the User Generated Content, or an excerpt from the User Generated Content, on the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services, read them on air, or otherwise publish them in any other medium, together with your name and location (city, state and/or country) if you provide that information to Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.

(4) Opt-out.  If you do not want your personally-identifiable information to be collected or used for any of the above-mentioned purposes, please do not provide it (please note that opting out of providing some personally-identifiable information may cause you to not be able to use or participate in certain features of the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services).

(5)  Nondisclosure of Email Addresses. Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  does not sell, exchange, or lend email addresses with any third party unless specified and the user consents at the time of the submission.

(6)  Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Use of Email Addresses. Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  reserves the right to send you email relating to Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services or account status. This may include order confirmations, notices of credit card problems, other transactional emails and notifications about major changes to the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services and/or to this Privacy Policy. If you have registered for online discussions or other services or newsletters, you may receive email specific to your participation in those activities.

 (7) Email Subscriptions.  Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  offers and may offer in the future several e-mail newsletters and emails. We will always provide a clear and convenient method of unsubscribing to our e-mailings. If you no longer wish to receive a specific newsletter, follow the “unsubscribe” instructions located in each newsletter or email, or go to the Site’s Contact Us page and send us a message. We will update our records as soon as possible.

(8)  Use of Non-Identifying Aggregate Information. Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. , with the assistance from time to time of its third party service vendors, uses non-identifying aggregate information to analyze use of and better design the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services and to share with third parties in aggregate form only as appropriate. For example, we may tell a third party that a certain number of users accessed a particular video on a site. However, we will not disclose any information that could be used to identify those users.

(C) Security of Information

Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  has in place what it believes to be appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. Credit card information submitted to any of Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services is protected against unauthorized use by Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) security features. The SSL protocol is the industry standard method for creating an encrypted, secure connection between your web browser and a web server, such as the Site’s server. You should, however, keep in mind that no Internet or e-mail transmission is ever fully secure or error free. Because most e-mail is not encrypted, you should take special care in deciding what information you send to us via e-mail.

(D) Guidelines for Minors

(1) Under 13: If you are under thirteen (13) years of age, please do not send any information about yourself, including your name, address and/or email address. If Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  learns that it has collected any personally-identifiable information from a child under the age of 13, we will remove that information as soon as possible to the extent technically feasible. Any portion of Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services that are directed to children under the age of 13 comply with COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act Standards) which are in addition to Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. ’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

(2) Ages 13-18. You must be at least eighteen (18) years of age to submit any User Generated Content on or through the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services, participate in any online contests, or place an order at the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  shop. Visitors between the ages of 13 and 18 must obtain permission from their parents or guardians before registering for email newsletters or other features of the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services or otherwise sending any personally-identifying information.

(E) Acceptance of and Changes to this Privacy Policy

By using the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services, you signify agreement to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree, please do not use the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services. Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy. Any changes to the Privacy Policy will be posted to this page as soon as reasonably possible. Please check this page periodically. Your continued use of the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services following the posting of any changes to these terms shall mean that you have accepted those changes.

(F) Links to Other Sites and Services

Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services contain links to other sites, applications and services maintained by third parties that may have different privacy policies from Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  In some cases, the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services may include certain embedded tools that are provided and controlled by third parties and governed by the policies of third parties. You should only use these third-party tools if you agree to their respective terms and policies.

The Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services include or may include in the future a tool that allows you to sign in or share content using information from your account with a third- party service, such as various social networking sites. Please be aware that those third-party services are unrelated to Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  and your use of the third-party services is subject to the terms and policies of those services.

(G) California Privacy Rights

Generally, California residents are entitled by law to ask Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  for a notice identifying the categories of Personal Information that Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. shares with our Affiliates and/or other third parties for their marketing purposes the preceding year, and provide contact information for such Affiliates and/or third parties unless Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  meets certain exceptions in the law. This Privacy Policy and Site meet those exceptions. Additionally, Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  does not share Customer Information with Affiliates or third parties for their own marketing purposes.  Therefore, a Customer residing in California with an established business relationship with Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. does not need information about Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.’s opt-out and out-in policies of sharing Customer Personal Information with other companies (including our Affiliates) for their marketing purposes. If you have questions regarding our policy, Customers residing in California must send a written request via email or postal mail following the instructions below. Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  will not accept requests via the telephone or facsimile or respond to requests that are not labeled or sent properly, or do not have complete information.

  • For all requests, include Customer’s full name, street address, city, state and zip code.
  • In an email request, Customer must state “Re: Your California Privacy Rights” in the subject line and send Customer email to [INSERT EMAIL ADDRESS]
  • In a postal request, Customer must send a letter or post card to:

Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.
1049 Asylum Avenue
Hartford, CT  06105
Attention:  Your California Privacy Rights
(Dated as of November 2019)

Terms of Use

Introduction: Consent to Terms

The following terms and conditions (known hereafter as “Terms”) govern use of, Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. ’s mobile sites and applications, any other Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  site, applications of services, or any features of these sites, applications and services (collectively known hereafter as the “Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services”). Please read these Terms carefully. By using the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services you agree to be bound by these Terms and Privacy Policies. If you do not agree to these Terms or Privacy Policies, please exit the Site and do not use any of the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services.

Please note that these Terms are separate and distinct from the terms of use and privacy policies governing the websites, applications and services of Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. ’s member stations, and other websites, application and services that may link to or from the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services.

(A) Restrictions

(1) Age. You must (i) be at least eighteen (18) years of age, or (ii) be an emancipated minor, or, (iii) if you are not eighteen (18) but are over the age of thirteen (13) have the permission of your parent(s) or legal guardian(s), to register and/or use Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services, submit any User Generated Content (defined below) or personally-identifying information on or through Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services; participate in any online contests (unless otherwise noted in the contest rules). If you are between the ages of 13 and 18, you may browse the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services or register for email newsletters or other Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services with the consent of your parent(s) or legal guardian(s) provided you do not submit any User Generated Content. If you are under 13, please do not send any information about yourself, including your name, address or email address. If we discover that we have collected any personally-identifying information from a child under the age of 13, we will remove that information from our database as soon as possible.

(2) Personal, Non-Commercial Use Only. The Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services can only be used for personal, non-commercial purposes. For complete clarity, this clause means that the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services may not be used in any commercial tie-in (use of any content in the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services in connection with marketing merchandise or services and/or in connection with premiums or promotions, or use of the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services in order to gain advertising or subscription revenue. You cannot charge anyone for the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services or the content therein. You cannot incorporate the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services into a product that you sell or exchange in return for consideration of any kind. You cannot use the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services to advertise or promote a product. You cannot submit any material containing any solicitation of funds, advertising, promotion, solicitation of goods and services or recruiting. You may not use the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  services for political campaigning, recruiting votes, or soliciting support for legislative or other initiatives. In addition, you cannot use any of the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services in a defamatory, derogatory or offensive manner.

(3) Use.

(a) You may not circumvent, disable or otherwise interfere with security-related features of the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services or features that prevent or restrict use or copying of any content. You further agree not to reverse engineer or jeopardize the correct functioning of the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services to attempt to gain access to secured portions of the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services to which you do not possess access rights.
(b) You may not collect or harvest any personally identifiable information from the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services, nor use the communications system that may now, or in the future, be provided by Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services, which includes but is not limited to, blogs, discussion boards, comments, questions and answers.
(c) You may not use the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services to generate unsolicited email advertisements or SPAM, to conduct or promote any illegal activity, for political campaigning, or for soliciting support for legislative or any other initiatives.
(d) You may not remove, copy, alter, reproduce, modify, create derivative works of, republish, post, publicly perform, publicly display, broadcast, download, transmit, distribute, license or commercially exploit, in whole or in part, the content of the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services, except as expressly permitted or by the respective content owner as indicated in any end user license agreement that accompanies such content, and provided that you include without modification all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the content.

(B) User Generated Content

(1) Definition. The Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services now or in the future may permit the submission of videos, images, textual content or other content submitted by you and other users (“User Generated Content”).

(2) Responsibility for User Generated Content. You shall be solely responsible for your own User Generated Content and the consequences of Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  posting, publishing or otherwise distributing such content. You may not submit any User Generated Content anonymously or under a false name or a false e-mail address. You may not impersonate another user or provide any false information about yourself.

(3) Representations with Respect to User Generated Content. By submitting User Generated Content on or through Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services, you affirm, represent, and/or warrant that: (i) you own or have the necessary licenses, rights, consents and permissions to upload, use and authorize Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  to use all patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright and other proprietary rights, including privacy and publicity rights, in and to any User Generated Content to enable inclusion, distribution and use of the User Generated Content in the manner contemplated by the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services and these Terms: (ii) you have the written consent, release, and/or permission of each and every identifiable individual person in the User Generated Content to use the name or likeness of each and every such identifiable individual person to enable inclusion, distribution and use of the User Generated Content in the manner contemplated by the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services and these Terms; (iii) the User Generated Content is your own original work and that you own or control the necessary rights to enable inclusion, distribution and use of the User Generated Content in the manner contemplated by the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services and these Terms; (iv) the User Generated Content does not in any way violate any laws, rules or regulations, (v) the User Generated Content is not in any way derogatory, abusive, defamatory, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, harmful to children, vulgar, profane, lewd, obscene, offensive, pornographic, threatening, harassing, violent, racist, or hateful, nor does it encourage conduct that would be considered a criminal offense, or give rise to civil liability; (vi) the User Generated Content does not violate or infringe upon the rights of any person or entity whatsoever; (vii) the User Generated Content is not an endorsement, express or implied, of any party, product, or other entity; and (viii) you have not received payment or consideration of any kind for submitting the User Generated Content on or through Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services.

(4) License to Use User Generated Content. Unless you enter into a separate written agreement with Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. , Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  does not claim ownership in User Generated Content you submit; however, by submitting the User Generated Content to Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. , you hereby waive any and all moral rights in connection with the User Generated Content and you automatically grant Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  and its licensees, a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, and transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, sub-license, modify, create derivative works of (including without limitation, to rename, edit, shorten, if video – split the videos into different segments, and use the entire User Generated Content or segments thereof), publish, transfer, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, host, index, cache, tag, encode, and/or adapt the User Generated Content in any and all media formats and channels, including, but not limited to, the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services (including the advertisement and promotion thereof), third party licensee websites, over the air (on radio or television), and on mobile platforms, without payment and without further consent or notice to you. You further grant Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  and its licensees the right to contact you in connection with your User Generated Content and to use your name, city and state or province and other information that you have provided in connection with the User Generated Content.

(5)  Access to User Generated Content. You also hereby grant each user of the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services a non-exclusive license to access your User Generated Content through the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services, and to use, reproduce, distribute, create derivative works of, publish, transfer, transmit, publicly display and publicly perform such User Generated Content (in whole or in part) as permitted through the functionality of the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services and under these Terms.

(6)  Removal of User Generated Content. Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  does not permit the infringement of intellectual property rights, including copyright, and Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  will remove User Generated Content (and any other content) if properly notified that such Content infringement on another’s intellectual property rights. Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  reserves the right to remove User Generated Content (and any other content) without prior notice. Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  does not and cannot now or in the future review all User Generated Content submitted and is not responsible for any User Generated Content submitted by you or others on or through the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services. Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  does have the right (but not the obligation) to review, screen, delete, edit and/or move any User Generated Content that it deems, in its sole discretion, to be in violation of these Terms or for any other reason, as determined in Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. ’s sole discretion.

(7) Responsibility for User Generated Content. Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  is not responsible or liable for any User Generated Content submitted by you or any third party on or through Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services. Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  does not verify the accuracy of statements that users make or place on or through the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services and does not guarantee that any User Generated Content has been submitted with the permission of the copyright or proprietary owner or are otherwise in compliance with these Terms.

(9) Agreement to Terms. By using the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services, you agree to abide by these Terms. You acknowledge that Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  has the right (but not the obligation) to review, screen, delete, edit, or move content or materials that it deems, in its sole discretion, to be in violation of these Terms or for any other reason. You further acknowledge that Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  has the right to limit or terminate your or any other person’s, access to or registration in the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services for any reason, in its sole discretion, including the violations of these Terms.

(C) Copyrights

(1)  Ownership. All rights, including copyrights and database rights in the contents of the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services (including all text, images, software, illustrations, artwork, high resolution photography, video clips, audio clips, any after sales-material, and ancillary materials) are owned by or licensed to Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  or Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. ’s member stations and other producers or providers or programs or co-tenant to Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  (“Content Providers”), or otherwise used by Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  as permitted by applicable law or agreement and are protected by U.S. and international copyright laws.

(2) Restrictions on Use. You may not reproduce, distribute, republish, upload, transmit, display, prepare derivative works of, publicly perform, sell, transfer, assign, license or use for commercial purposes any copyrighted material on the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services without the prior written consent of Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. , except as provided below. All rights not expressly granted in these Terms are reserved to Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.

(3) Permissible Use. You may copy, download one copy on a single computer, and print a limited amount of content from the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services for your personal, non-commercial use only, provided that (i) you include without modification all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the content, (ii) you do not modify the content (iii) you do not use the content in a manner that suggests Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  promotes or endorses your, or any other third party’s causes, ideas, website, products or services, and (d) you do not use the content in any way that is unlawful or harmful to any other person or entity.  You may use widgets and tools on the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services that allow selected User Generated Content to appear on your personal, non-commercial website, weblog or other applications, subject to the conditions in the above clause.  You may use the Content Feeds, APO Content, Podcasts, Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Media Player, and other features of the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services only as expressly permitted in the relevant paragraphs below in these Terms of Use. Any other use of Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  content requires prior written permission from Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.

(4)  Attribution. No quotes from any material on the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services may be used in any media without attribution to Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.

(5)  Permission Requests. Permission requests, including print republishing requests, can be acquired by contacting Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  and then agreeing to the print syndication terms as described in the syndication usage page.

(D) Trademarks

All trademarks, service marks, and trade names are proprietary to Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. , its member stations or its content providers, unless otherwise noted, in which case they are the trademarks, service marks, and/or trade names of the respective owner as indicated by the mark, as the case may be. All rights are reserved by their respective owners. You may not use any Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. -provided service marks, trade names, logos or graphics, without Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. ’s written consent, except that you shall have the right, and obligation to use any Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  or other content provider service mark or name included in, or required to be used in connection with, Content or other functionalities of the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services, subject to the requirements set forth in these Terms.

(E) Links to Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services

Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  encourages and permits links to certain content on the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services. However, Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  is an organization committed to the highest journalistic ethics and standards and to independent, non-commercial journalism, both in fact and appearance. Therefore, the linking should not (i) suggest that Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  promotes any third party’s causes, ideas, websites, products or services, or (b) use Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  content or inappropriate commercial purposes or in any way that is unlawful or harmful to any other person or entity. Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  reserves the right to withdraw permission for any link.

(F) Links to Third Party Sites and Services

(1)  Links. The Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services may contain links to third party web sites, applications and services maintained by third parties, over which Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  has no control. Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  does not endorse the content, operators, products or services of such third party sites, and Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  is not responsible or liable for the content, operators, availability, accuracy, quality, advertising, products, services or other materials on or available from such third party sites. Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  is not responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content, products or services available on or through such third party sites.

(2)  Embedded Tools. In some cases, the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services may include certain embedded tools provided and controlled by third parties and governed by the terms and policies of the third parties. You should only use these third party tools if you agree to their respective terms and policies.

(G) Content Feeds

Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  may provide content feeds on or through the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services, consisting of a selection of headlines, summaries or text blurbs, and links to full stories, which are delivered to users using Really Simple Syndication technology, other XML (eXtensible Markup Language) technology, or other syndication technology (collectively, the “Content Feeds”). Such Content Feeds may be made available for personal, noncommercial use or for noncommercial use on the website, weblog or similar application of a nonprofit corporation which is exempt from federal income taxes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and which is not a news, broadcast or multimedia organization (“501(c)(3) Nonprofit Corporation”). You may display, excerpt from, and link to such Content Feeds on your personal website, blog, or similar application for personal, noncommercial purposes or on your 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Corporation website, weblog, or similar application for noncommercial purposes, provided that (a) the links redirect the user to the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services when the user clicks on them, (b) you do not insert any intermediate page, splash page or other content between the links and the applicable Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services page, (c) the use or display does not suggest that Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  promotes or endorses any third party causes, ideas, websites, products or services, (d) the fundamental meaning of the content contained in the Content Feeds, including the headlines and summaries, is not changed or distorted, and (e) you do not modify the stories or other content that are linked to by the Content Feeds. If you display an entire Content Feed on your personal or 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Corporation website, weblog or similar application, (a) you may not redistribute the Content Feed, and (b) you must provide attribution to Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  or the relevant Content Provider adjacent to the Content Feed, by including “Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  News Headlines” or “Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. ” or the name of the relevant Content Provider in text adjacent to the Content Feed. Any other use of Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. ’s trademarks or service marks, the names or service marks of any Content Provider, or of the Content Feeds requires the prior written permission of Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  For use of the stories or other content that are linked to by the Content Feeds, please see the Copyrights section of these Terms. Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  may withdraw Content Feeds at any time. Upon request, you shall promptly cease all use of, and remove from your website(s) or other platforms, any Content Feed identified by Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.

(H) Podcasts

Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  provides podcasts (the “Podcasts”) consisting of selected content that is provided using an XML feed and associated audio file so that the audio file may be downloaded and played from a user’s computer, mobile device or other portable listening device. Podcasts are available for personal, noncommercial use only. You may download, copy and/or transfer to a mobile or portable listening device the Podcasts for your personal, non-commercial use only, provided that you do not modify the content. You also may link to Podcasts from your website, blog or similar application, as long as (a) the links redirect the user to the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services when the user clicks on them, (b) you do not insert any intermediate page, splash page or other content between the links and the applicable portion of the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services, (c) the linking does not suggest that Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  promotes or endorses any third party’s causes, ideas, websites, products or services, (d) you do not use Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  content for inappropriate commercial purposes, and (e) you provide attribution to Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  adjacent to the link.

(I) Mobile Services

Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  does not charge you for the use of its mobile sites, applications and services or any features of these sites, applications and services (“Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Mobile Services”). Please check your wireless plan, however, because your carrier’s per-minute, text messaging, and data or other charges may apply. You acknowledge that streaming media can result in high data usage and may lead to excess data charges. You consent to your downloading and use of the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Mobile Services notwithstanding the potentially high data usage. You must provide at your own expense the equipment and connections needed for you to use the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Mobile Services, and you agree that you are solely responsible for any costs you incur to access the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Mobile Services, including any excess data charges. You should keep in mind that the use of the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Mobile Services to send content to another person via e-mail or SMS (Short Message Service) or text message may result in wireless charges to both the sender and the receiver. You agree to obey all laws related to operation of the motor vehicle during use of the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Mobile Services.

(J) Terms Applicable to Student Data

For the purposes of this Subsection (J), “directory information,” “de-identified student

information,” “school purposes,” “student information,” “student records,” “student generated content,” and “targeted advertising” shall be as defined by Conn. Gen. Stat. § 10-234aa.


(1) Security Practices.  With respect to student data, Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  implements and maintains security procedures and practices that meet or exceed industry standards and that are designed to protect student information, student records and student-generated content from unauthorized access, destruction, use, modification or disclosure, and will delete any student information, student records or student-generated content within a reasonable amount of time if a student, parent or legal guardian of a student or local or regional board of education who has the right to control such student information requests the deletion of such student information, student records or student-generated content, unless (A) state or federal law prohibits such deletion or otherwise requires the retention of such student information, student records or student-generated content, or (B) a copy of such student information, student records or student-generated content is in the possession of Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  as part of a disaster recovery storage system and is inaccessible to the public and unable to be used in the normal course of business by Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. , provided that such student, parent or legal guardian of a student or local or regional board of education may request the deletion of any such student information, student records or student-generated content described in this subparagraph if such copy is used by Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  to repopulate accessible data following a disaster recovery.


(2) Prohibited Use of Student Information.   Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  will not knowingly (a) engage in targeted advertising on its internet web sites, online services or mobile applications designed for student use, or use targeted advertising on any other Internet web site, online service or mobile application if such advertising is based on any student information, student records, student-generated content or persistent unique identifiers that Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  has acquired because of the use of Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. ’s Internet web site, online service or mobile application for school purposes; (b) collect, store and use student information, student records, student-generated content or persistent unique identifiers for purposes other than the furtherance of school purposes as authorized by the educational institution, teacher or parent; (c) sell, rent or trade student information, student records or student-generated content unless the sale is part of the purchase, merger or acquisition of Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  by a successor operator and Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  and successor operator continue to be subject to the provisions of this section regarding student information; (d) build a personal profile of a student other than for supporting authorized educational/school purposes or as authorized by the parent/student; or (e) disclose student information, student records or student-generated content unless the disclosure is made (i) in furtherance of school purposes of the Internet web site, online service or mobile application, provided the recipient of the student information uses such student information to improve the operability and functionality of the Internet web site, online service or mobile application and complies with subsection J(1); (ii) to ensure compliance with federal or state law or regulations or pursuant to a court order; (iii) in response to a judicial order; (iv) to protect the safety or integrity of users or others, or the security of the Internet web site, online service or mobile application; (v) to an entity hired by Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  to provide services for Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. ’s Internet web site, online service or mobile application, provided that Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  contractually (i) prohibits the entity from using student information, student records or student-generated content for any purpose other than providing the contracted service to, or on behalf of, Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. , (ii) prohibits the entity from disclosing student information, student records or student-generated content provided by Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  to subsequent third parties, and (iii) requires the entity to comply with subsection J(1) of this section; or (iv) for a school purpose or other educational or employment purpose requested by a student or the parent or legal guardian of a student, provided such student information is not used or disclosed for any other purpose.


(3) Permissible Use of Student Information.   Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  may use student information (a) to maintain, support, improve, evaluate or diagnose Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. ’s Internet web sites, online services or mobile applications, (b) for adaptive learning purposes or customized student learning, (c) to provide recommendation engines to recommend content or services relating to school purposes or other educational or employment purposes, provided such recommendation is not determined in whole or in part by payment or other consideration from a third party, or (d) to respond to a request for information or feedback from a student, provided such response is not determined in whole or in part by payment or other consideration from a third party.


(4) Use of De-identified Student Information.  Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  may use de-identified student information or aggregated student information (a) to develop or improve Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. ’s Internet web site, online service or mobile application, or other Internet web sites, online services or mobile applications owned by Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. , or (b) to demonstrate or market the effectiveness of Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. ’s Internet web site, online service or mobile application.


(5)  Sharing of Aggregated or De-identified Student Information. Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  may share aggregated student information or de-identified student information for the improvement and development of Internet web sites, online services or mobile applications designed for school purposes.


(6)  Changes to Student Privacy Policies.  Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  will not make material changes to its privacy policy applicable to student data without first providing prominent notice to the account holder(s) (i.e., the educational institution/agency, or the parent/student when the information is collected directly from the student with student/parent consent) and allowing them choices before data is used in any manner inconsistent with terms they were initially provided; and will not make material changes to other policies or practices governing the use of student personal information that are inconsistent with contractual requirements.


(7)  Retention of Student Data.  Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  will not knowingly retain student personal information beyond the time period required to support the authorized educational/school purposes, or as authorized by the parent/student.

(K) Representations and Indemnity

Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  expects all users to adhere to our content policies as described in these Terms. However, you may be exposed to content that violates our policies or is otherwise offensive through the use of the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services. Your use of the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services is at your own risk. You agree that Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  is not liable for content that is provided by others. We take no responsibility for your exposure to content on or through the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services whether it violates our content policies or not. You understand that the information and opinions in content uploaded by third parties represent solely the thoughts of the author and is neither endorsed by nor does it necessarily reflect Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. ’s beliefs or editorial positions. You hereby release and waive any and all claims, causes of action and/or liability against Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  arising from or in connection with your use of the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services, the Content and/or any other material provided by the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services. You also agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. , its trustees, officers and employees from and against any and all causes of action, claims or liability, including costs and attorney’s fees, arising from or in connection with your use of the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services, your provision of User Generated Content to or through the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services, or failure to abide by applicable law or these Terms.

(L) Disclaimer of Warranties


(M) Limitation of Liability


(N) Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Notices; Copyright Agent

(1) Copyright Claim: Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  respects intellectual property rights. If you are a copyright owner or an agent of a copyright owner and you believe that your work has been used in a way that constitutes copyright infringement by any content or material available by and through the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services, you may submit a notification to Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. ’s Designated Agent to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) section 17 U.S.C. 512(c)(3). All notifications of claimed copyright infringement should be forwarded to Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. ’s Designated Agent:

Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.

1049 Asylum Avenue

Hartford, CT  06105

Attention:  DMCA Agent

Facsimile: (888) 655-0753


According to 17 U.S.C. 512(c)(3), any copyright infringement notification must include:

(a) A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed;
(b) Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works at a single online site are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works at that site;
(c) Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to locate the material;
(d) Information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to contact the complaining party, such as an address, telephone number, and, if available, an electronic mail address at which the complaining party may be contacted;
(e) A statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and
(f) A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
You acknowledge that if you fail to comply with all of the above requirements, your notice may not be valid pursuant to the DMCA.

(2) Counter-Notice. If any of your User Generated Content has been removed or disabled because of a matter of possible copyright infringement, and you believe that your Content is not infringing or that you have the authorization from the copyright owner or the copyright owner’s agent, you may send a counter-notice containing the following information to the Designated Agent:

(a) A physical or electronic signature of the subscriber.
(b) Identification of the material that has been removed or to which access has been disabled and the location at which the material appeared before it was removed or access to it was disabled.
(c) A statement under penalty of perjury that you have a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled.
(d) Your name, address, and telephone number, and a statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of the Federal District Court for the District of Connecticut, and a statement that you accept service of process from the person who provided notification of the alleged infringement.

(O) Miscellaneous

 (1)  Disclosure of Online Communications. You are cautioned that any online communications may not be fully confidential. In addition, you should be aware that federal postal regulations do not protect electronic mail. You should be aware that some administrative personnel of Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  may, in the course of their regular duties, have access to communications required by law.

(2) Rogue Programming and Viruses. Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  is not responsible for any computer virus, trojan horse, timebomb, worm, or any other rogue programming (“Rogue Programming”) that may be contained in any of the Content (including User Generated Content), material or software contained on or through the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services. Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  has no obligation to detect the presence of any Rogue Programming. Any downloading of software or other materials or any other use of the Content (including User Generated Content) on the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services is at your risk, and you are advised to take adequate precautions to minimize any loss to your system caused by Rogue Programming, including use of anti-virus programs and proper backup of files. You agree not to post, transmit, or make available in any way through the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services any software or other materials that contain Rogue Programming.

(3) Modifications.  These Terms and the Content may be revised, amended, or supplemented by Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  without notice at any time for any reason. Continuing to use the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services after a change has been made will signify your acceptance of the changes. You should refer back to this page for future updates.

(4) Online Shopping. In the event a product available on or through any Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  shopping area is listed at an incorrect price or with incorrect information, Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  will have the right to refuse or cancel any orders placed for the product listed at the incorrect price. Your receipt of an electronic or other form of order confirmation does not signify Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. ’s acceptance of your order, nor does it constitute confirmation of Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. ’s offer to sell. Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  reserves the right at any time after receipt of your order to accept or decline your order for any reason. Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  may charge and withhold the applicable sales tax for orders. Otherwise, you are solely responsible for all sales taxes, or other taxes, on orders shipped to you.

(5) Privacy Policy. The Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Service’s Privacy Policy provides additional terms and conditions that apply to your use of the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services. If you do not agree to the conditions therein, please do not use the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services.

(6)  International Users. The Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services are controlled and operated within the United States. Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  makes no representation that content, materials or products available on or through the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services are appropriate or available for use outside the United States. If you access the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services from a location outside the United States, you are responsible for compliance with applicable laws, including local laws regarding online conduct and content as well as U.S. export laws and regulations.  If  you are not a U.S. citizen or do not reside in the U.S., you voluntarily consent to the collection, transfer, use, disclosure and retention of Personal Information in the U.S. and agree to waive any claims that may arise under your own national laws.

(7) Entire Agreement. These Terms, together with the Privacy Policy, represent the entire understanding of the parties regarding the use of Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services and supersede any previous documents, correspondence, conversations, or other oral or written understanding related to the use of the Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc.  Services.

(8) Applicable Law. These Terms shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of Connecticut, without regard to its choice of law rules, and where applicable, the laws of the United States.

(9) Waiver. A modification or waiver of a part of these Terms shall not constitute a waiver of any other portion of the Terms.

(10) Severability. If for any reason any provision of these Terms is found unenforceable, that provision will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible and these Terms will continue in full force and effect.

(Dated as of November 2019)